Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) L.Laurent

English Name:  Trincomalee wood tree

Malayalam Name:

Botanical Name: Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) L.Laurent

Family:  Malvaceae

Flowering & Fruiting:  March-November

Description: Berrya cordifolia is a tree that may reach heights of 18–27 m and has a trunk diameter of 2–112 m. The 9–11 m long, clean bole with a densely branching deciduous crown. The juvenile, hairy leaves are oval in shape, deeply heart-shaped at the base, and frequently long-pointed. The leaf stem measures 2–10 cm in length, while the leaf blade is 6–25 cm long. Buds have a sphere shape. At the ends of branches or in the axils of leaves, an inflorescence is a crowded panicle. The flowers are very little, measuring about 8 mm. The sepal cup has uneven splitting, is 4 mm long, and frequently has three lobes. Usually 4 or 5 narrowly oblong, white or light pink, 7 mm long petals make up the flower.