Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf.

English Name:  Yellow Palm

Malayalam Name:

Botanical Name: Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf.

Family:  Arecaceae

Flowering & Fruiting:  Throughout the year

Description: This species’ natural habitat is in eastern Madagascar. The wet tropical biome is where it primarily grows as a shrub or tree. It can be used as a medicine and in the environment. Although being threatened with extinction in its natural habitat, it is frequently sold in the world’s markets for indoor or outdoor plantings (depending on whether it is winter resistant). The most common palm sold as a houseplant today is this multi-stemmed variety. Normally, it will reach a height of 12 to 30 feet outside. Clusters of golden stems with several rings emerge from the plant’s base. When suckers are removed, stems can often resemble bamboo, giving bamboo palm its common name. Pinnate, upward-curving, light green leaves with yellow midribs that are up to 3-6′ long cover the tops of the stems. Each leaves has 40-60 1/2 to 3/4 leaves per plant “per side, lance-shaped leaflets. Summertime sees the blooming of 2′ long panicles of yellow flowers. Flowers don’t put up a lot of show. Little yellow-orange fruits (each about a half an inch long) follow the flowers “that grow to almost black lengths. Golden cane palm is another name for this palm.