Roystonea (Kunth) O.F Cook

English Name:  Cuban Royal Palm

Malayalam Name:

Botanical Name: Roystonea (Kunth) O.F Cook

Family: Arecaceae

Flowering & Fruiting:  Throughout the year

Description: Tall attractive and Solitary palm; stem columnar, commonly bulging at middle . Massive trunk, slightly bulging towards the middle, concrete-grey with closely spaced rings. Crown shaft is glossy green, smooth, and up to 2m long, with a crown of leaf fronds on top. Fronds are simple, pinnately compound (feather-like), up to 3m long, plumose, and tangled. The genus ‘Roystonea’ was named after General Roy Stone (1836-1905), an American army engineer who served in Puerto Rico. The species name’regia’ means ‘royal,’ referring to the palm’s majestic and stately appearance. Native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.