English Name: Orange Jasmine
Malayalam Name: മരമുല്ല
Botanical Name: Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack
Family: Rutaceae
Flowering & Fruiting: Throughout the year
Description: Evergreen shrub or small tree. Leaves are evergreen, alternate, compound (with 3 – 7 leaflets), pinnate. Leaflet is about 2 – 3 cm long. Its pleasant orange-like scent permeates flowers. Orange Jasmine is a big, multi-trunked shrub that is native to India and has the potential to develop into a small tree. Both pruning and growing it as a garden hedge are options! The dark green, pinnately complex, evergreen leaflets range in number from three to nine, and they are placed alternately along the spine. The opulent cream-colored blossoms are set against a striking backdrop of dark green leaves. Most of the year, the shrub is in bloom. Small, oval, crimson fruits with one or two seeds follow the flowers. Usually, seeds are used to reproduce the plant.