Zamia furfuracea L.f. ex Aiton

English Name:  cardboard palm

Malayalam Name

Botanical Name: Zamia furfuracea L.f. ex Aiton

Family:  Zamiaceae

Flowering & Fruiting

Description: Cycad Zamia furfuracea is rated as Endangered (EN), also known as cardboard plant, cardboard palm, or Jamaican sago, is indigenous to the limestone sea cliffs and coastal highlands of Veracruz, Mexico. Although it doesn’t grow quickly, this plant will eventually develop to a height of 4.25′ and a spread of 7′. The up to 13 pairs of opposing leaflets that make up the stiff, slightly arching fronds are borne from a central crown. The leathery, oblong to oval leaflets resemble cardboard in texture and are slightly gritty and fuzzy. The robust, short stem may develop partially underground or above ground. Cones produced by female plants need pollen from male plants’ cones to be fertilised. On the female cones that have been fertilised, bright orange, meaty seeds mature.