English Name: African tulip tree, Flame of the forest.
Malayalam Name: തണീർക്കൈമരം
Botanical Name: Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv.
Family: Bignoniaceae
Flowering & Fruiting: November-May
Description: This species’ natural habitat extends from western tropical Africa to Uganda and Angola. It is a tree that mainly thrives in the moist tropical habitat. The African tulip tree is a tall, slender tree with glossy, deep green, pinnate leaves and magnificent, orange-scarlet flowers. On a perfect site, it may reach a height of 80 feet, but most specimens are much smaller. It has functions in medicine, food, fuel, the environment, and society in addition to being used as an animal food, poison, and medication. Bark and leaves have antibacterial qualities and are used in Ghanaian traditional medicine to treat burns and wounds. Leaves have been said to offer anti-malarial properties. Stem- bark decoctions have a reducing effect on blood sugar in mice. Timber: A soft white wood used to manufacture bellows for blacksmiths as well as paper and drums. Products: Arrowhead poison is extracted from cooked seeds. Youngsters utilize flowers as water guns and seedpods that have been opened as toy boats.
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